On June 10, 2019, Posted by OnlineEditor, In Uncategorized, With Comments Off on Beach Party 2018 and Reunion Weekend Photos
Line up at beach Don Schreier ’60, Ray Cody ’60, Richard Cruz ’59, Joan Stieglitz Sutermeister ’59, Vincent Mischke ’59, Irene Gilbert McDuffee ’59, Patti Patterson Wallace ’59, Jimmy Wallace ’60, Barbara Dixon Ryan ’59, Steve DiMartino ’59, Elaine Hoppe Feldis ’58, Geri Rojck Heyward ’59 and Ray Gresalfi ’59.Back Row: Barbara Gill, Paul Zuckerman, Diane Marber Garcia, Frank Lotito, Judy Simon, Jim Carl, John Brown, Emily Block, Jim Candidus and Steve Diamond. Front Row: Barry Russin, Alison Lovitt, Joyce Kleinberg, Claire Pelligrino, Marcia Galembo, Wendy Matthy and Pat Pisciotto.Jack McGinley ’69, Barbara Goldman Hagstrand ’69, Diane Rampelli ’69, Matt Bonini ’69, Judy Shaddock ’68 and Kathy Kelly Anker ’69.