Nexus Summer 2018 Edition is now available.
The Summer 2018 Nexus is on its way. This editions cover page highlights “A Salute to Veterans” Nexus Summer2018Cover
Legendary Coach Loses Battle with Cancer, But Her Spirit Lives On
Patricia “Patsy” Kamercia (Class of 1966) passed away in Nov. 2017. Please read article from local Connecticut paper: http://www.ctnewsjunkie.com/archives/entry/op-ed_legendary_coach_loses_battle_with_cancer_2017_11_10/#.WoSX-Cqru9k.email https://www.google.com/search?q=patsy+kamercia+obit&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-ab
Nexus Winter 2018 Edition is now available
The Winter 2018 Nexus has been mailed out. This issue highlights 2001 graduate and astronaut candidate Jasmin Moghbeli. Keep on the lookout for your issue. If you are not a subscriber sign up now. Nexus Winter 2018 Cover Page