Baldwin Foundation for Education

Monthly Archives: June 2017

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The Honorable Henry William Hodges III (1938 – 2017)

On June 20, 2017, Posted by , In Obituary, With Comments Off on The Honorable Henry William Hodges III (1938 – 2017)

Bill Hodges ’55 passed away this spring.  Bill graduated from Brown University  and from the University of Virginia School of Law, after which he served in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps of the United States Navy.  A life-long resident, Bill loved Baldwin and established his law practices here in his…

A few beers, a pocketful of change and the next thing you know……………

On June 20, 2017, Posted by , In Nexus Extra, With Comments Off on A few beers, a pocketful of change and the next thing you know……………

What follows is a letter from Baldwinite Rudy Marco to a co-worker, Jack Robinson about Marco’s post-WWII re-entry into society and education. It was written in 2005.  Rudy left BSHS to enlist in the Navy in WWII. After the war he worked on the Esso Pittsburg, a coastal oil tanker,…

Alumni Survey

On June 19, 2017, Posted by , In Uncategorized, With Comments Off on Alumni Survey

Please take a few moments to take a short survey for the BFE.   Click on the link below to open the survey.